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2009-01-04 6:41 a.m.
Virtual Sex

Tonight's/today's orgasm happened while playing Second Life. Dunno if you all know what that is, but its a virtual reality game where you create avatars and live out another life there.

Anyway, once a long time ago, my avatar was engaged to someone, and he left suddenly because he had real life obligations.. (in truth, his girlfriend freaked out about the game). lol

Anyway, He came back, and lucky for him, I was in the right mood to get laid. *Grin*

He looks like a demon. His ripped abs, and red eyes.. and we did it in a coffin.

We were on voice, so it was really incredible. I heard him breathing heavy into the mic while talking about plunging his cock deep into every hole I had.

I watched our animated selves, his cock gliding into my open mouth, then pumping hard on my face, pre-cum spilling down my throat.. then he flipped me over and gave it to me hard up the ass. When I told him how it hurt.. how it was so big in my tiny ass.. he began moaning and growling into the mic.. I was already touching myself at this point, rubbing my clit hard and fast, in time with his breathing and the animations.

When he came, I heard him moaning in spasms, and mid-cum, I began to cum. Trying not to cry out and wake anyone in the house, my body jerked in tune with his grunting.. and I moaned loudly not meaning to. Luckily, no one was awoken. *Grin*

Our voices quivering.. enjoying each other virtually and over the voice chat... our avatars laid contently in each others arms.. we said our goodbyes, and logged off for the night.

Take it Bitch - 2009-01-07
Dungeon Fantasy - 2009-01-06
Pantie Delight - 2009-01-05
Virtual Sex - 2009-01-04
Lame Orgasm Today - 2009-01-03

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